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Divine Creations Ministries Worship and Training Center

You Were Divinely Created!

Have you ever felt like you just didn't fit in? Quite possibly at this point of your life you may be asking yourself that very question. "Is this all there is? Why am I here, and for what reason? My life seems to be drifting along without any apparent plan. Does God really care? Does He really know what I am going through?!"

Know this: If you are a born again Christian, then what you are going through may be a partial truth, but it's not the total truth. You may be experiencing great financial trouble, but the Word of God says that He takes pleasure in the prosperity of His servant! - The total truth. Sickness and disease may be ravaging your body, but the Word of God says that by His stripes you were healed! The total truth.

The Word of God tells us that we have been given favor from the Lord, it's our inheritance as a child of God (Psalm 5:12). You may not be experiencing it at this very moment, but you can if you will focus on the total truth and begin to expect favor instead of lack and trouble. Remember this truth: If things can go wrong, they can just as easily go right!!!  So let's take a look at what the Word has to say about your situation.

Psalm 139:14 reads; "I will praise you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made; marvelous are your works, and my soul knows very well."  The word 'fearfully' means: with great reverence and heart-felt interest and respect. The word 'wonderfully' means: unique, set apart, uniquely marvelous. WOW! No wonder the psalmist bursts out with exuberant praise in this verse. He realized the great love and concern that went into his unique and individual creation.

According to this Scripture, you are a Master Piece! The next time you have the temptation to ask the Lord, "Don't you care what is happening to me?" Remember this verse, because the total truth is that He cares and loves you with an acute intensity that cannot ever be measured.

The plans and purposes of God are set in motion for a reason, to give us a future and a hope, so that we can be a blessing while we're here on earth. The King James Version interprets the phrase 'future and a hope' as an 'expected end' in Jeremiah 29:13. Do you know what that means? It's the end or conclusion of the life that God has expected for us to receive through our experience and relationship with Jesus Christ - which is total victory through the storms of life! Hallelujah! Total truth.

So shake off that feeling of dread and despair. Get back into fellowship with the Lord and put on the garment of praise, because you are a person of divine destiny. You are a person of purpose and worth, uniquely fashioned, a true work of art - a Master piece. You are specifically equipped and set apart having been: Divinely Created!

Looking to the future with faith, hope and confidence in the Word of God.

Divine Creations Ministries Worship and Training Center
1215 Pembroke Oak Grove Rd.
Oak Gove, KY 42262
Phone: (270) 605-9203